Why We Need Them, and How to Turn Them Into Learning Opportunities
At some point in any learning journey, progress starts to slow down, motivation dips, and it feels like you've hit an invisible wall. This phenomenon is commonly known as a plateau. Whether you're mastering a new skill, improving physical performance, or advancing in your career, plateaus are a natural part of growth. But they can be frustrating, leaving you feeling stuck and uncertain about how to move forward.
The good news is that plateaus are not signs of failure. Instead, they are opportunities for reflection, recalibration, and ultimately, breakthrough. Understanding why plateaus occur and learning how to push through them can unlock the next level of success.
Trimming the Fat
Progressing from the beginner mindset into intermediate, the next stage involves gaining confidence in accessing all that information previously gathered. We begin to find moments of success when applying concepts and skills we’ve been training because the repetition begins to take effect. We also might begin “trimming” away pieces of what we’ve learned to streamline movements or thought processes.
The more this continues, however, one of two things tends to occur: analysis paralysis or complacency. Analysis paralysis is when the brain pauses for a moment to figure out what is next, even when the available options are glaringly obvious. Complacency is simply becoming overly-comfortable with specific habits because that skill has been drilled into near boredom. In either situation, this is the first “plateau” in training. If we are continually progressing in the learning process, there will be and should be multiple plateaus we encounter.
Plateaus get a bad rap. They tend to carry a negative connotation because of the root causes mentioned above. Don’t get me wrong. We don’t want to stay in a plateau. Often overlooked, however, is that there is very little room or opportunity to grow without them.
Supply and Demand
It’s a basic “supply and demand” relationship. If we want to grow and improve we must be able to recognize the moments that these opportunities are presented. Where to focus the attention at that point is a deeper discussion but that’s why we have instructors, coaches, mentors, and peers. Rarely can someone answer these questions on their own.
Always Learning
The "learning > plateau > growth" sequence is a never ending cycle. There is always something to work on, or something to improve upon. It just becomes more and more focused each time we go through the sequence. This is really what differentiates more advanced [anything] from its predecessors, and it's the exact reason for the adage, “there’s always something to learn.” It will almost always be uncomfortable, at least at first. But that discomfort can often indicate a deficiency that needs attention.
Always Learning
So the next time you feel “stuck” in your training, or overwhelmed by options, understand this is where you’re supposed to be at that moment. What you do with that plateau is what decides your growth into the next phase of your training. So go forth...collect, conquer, plateau, and improve!
Growth in Discomfort
The next time you feel “stuck” in your training, or overwhelmed by options, understand this is where you’re supposed to be at that moment. What you do with that plateau is what decides your growth into the next phase of your training. So go forth...learn, plateau, and improve!